Friday, June 10, 2016

McLean-Backenstose wedding

SKANEATELES, N.Y. - Kathleen Kite McLean, daughter of Gardner and Lynn McLean of Skaneateles, N.Y., became the bride of Bradley John Backenstose of New York City in the First Presbyterian Church of Skaneateles, N.Y.

The Rev. Dr. Craig Lindsey officiated.

Readings were done by William McLean, cousin of the bride, and Sian-Pierre Regis.

The bride is a graduate of Skaneateles High School and Colgate University, Hamilton, N.Y., with a bachelor of arts degree. She is a senior manager of strategic insights and research at Comedy Central, NYC.

The groom is the son of John and Diane Backenstose of Barto. He is a graduate of The Hill School; Colgate University, Hamilton, N.Y., with a bachelor of arts degree; and The Stern School of Business at New York University, with a master’s degree in business administration. He is a partner, director of agency development at MEC, a media agency in NYC.

The bride was attended by her sister, Carolyn McLean, maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Kristina Backenstose, sister of the groom, Jessica Ruhlman Schoaff, Katie Lee Armijo, Erin Maloney and Brittany Dawson.

Alexander Horn was the best man. Groomsmen were Andrew Lane, Edward Thrasher, Matthew Drummond and Andrew Karlsberg. 

A reception at the Skaneateles Country Club was followed by a honeymoon to Croatia and Montenegro. The couple resides near Union Square in New York City.